Hello all!
The show is completely blocked! And for those of you who don't know what that means, it means we have figured out all the movement for the scenes and dances and taught it to the actors! In my opinion, blocking is one of the most challenging parts of putting on a show so I am ecstatic that we are done with that stage of the production. The show looks amazing. I will admit, there are scenes where I still cry (because of how well the actors are portraying their emotions) even though I was in the room when they were taken apart line-by-line and discussed. That's saying something right there!

Tonight is our sitzprobe, where the actors will meet the band members for the first time and we will sing through the show with the entire band. Needless to say, it's going to be a great tonight. Then tomorrow we will review what we've done, run Act 2 memorized and try to work out any kinks we find. Next week we start our full runs, where we run the entirety of the show in one rehearsal so that the cast and crew and really get a feel for what the show is going to be like as far as timing and whatnot.
Check out the awesome promo video that we shot while we were doing our publicity photos! Many many thanks to DNA Imagery for putting it together for us!
Spring Awakening Promo Video
That's all for now! Stick around for more updates :D